Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Welcome to the World Alden Jay Thomas

So, Mark and I have a new addition to our family. Alden Jay Thomas was born May 1, 2009. He was 8lbs, 3oz and 20 inch long. It was an all natural birth. Which I am very proud of me. It was hard. Mr. Alden will be turning one very soon. It is so amazing how they grow up so fast. He loves to walk and listen to music. His favorite food right now is peas. His personality is very loving but he knows what he wants. We love him so much. Thank you, Lord, for him.

1 comment:

Marc and Liz Anson said...

Alrighty my dear, how can I help you?

New blog background: Go to 'customize', 'pick new template', choose the 'minima' of the top left one, then save it. Then click on 'page elements', 'add a gadget', 'HTML/Java script', paste the code from the blog background site that you want (http://hotbliggityblog.com/), save it and you will have a new background.

If you want to change the fonts/colors of your text for the entire blog click on 'customize', 'fonts/colors', in that window it will give the option to change colors of fonts, sizes and kinds of fonts.

If you want to add a picture to a side bar click on 'customize', 'page elements', 'add a gadget', scroll down until you see the option 'picture' and follow the directions from there. Be sure to ALWAYS choose the option 'shrink to fit' otherwise your pictures will be HUGE!

if you have other questions just let me know :) our blog is ansonfamily3.blogspot.com